The vendors on this page are businesses I can recommend with confidence to provide exceptional service for your special day.
Trusted Vendors
The Rolling Acres - Bowmanville
Website: therollingacres.com
E-Mail: info@therollingacres.com
Phone: 905 263 8421
Deer Creek Golf & Banquet - Ajax
Website: eventsdeercreek.com
E-Mail: events@golfdeercreek.com
Phone: 905 427 7737
Royal Ashburn Golf & Banquet - Ashburn
Website: royalashburngolfclub.com
E-Mail: sales@royalashburngolfclub.com
Phone: 905 686 1121
Ajax Convention Centre - Ajax
Website: ajaxconventioncentre.ca
E-Mail: info@ajaxconventioncentre.ca
Phone: 905 428 9993
Trillium Trails Banquet Hall - Oshawa
Website: trilliumtrailsevents.com
E-Mail: trilliumtrailsevents@gmail.com
Phone: 905 655 3754
Mill Run Golf Club - Uxbridge
Website: golfmillrun.com
E-Mail: sashenhurst@golfmillrun.com
Phone: 905 852 6212

Christine Small Photography
Website: christinesmallphotography.com
E-Mail: christinesmallphotography@gmail.com
Phone: 905 449 0586
Kathleen Gillis Photography
Website: kathleengillisphoto.com
E-Mail: Kathleen@kathleengillisphoto.com
Instagram: @Kathleengillisphoto
Love Photos & Film
Website: lovephotos.ca
E-Mail: contact@lovephotos.ca
Phone: 289 634 9495
Eddie Cristo - Wedding Filmmaker
Website: eddiecristobalvideography.com
E-Mail: info@eddiecristobal.com
Phone: 647 202 3727

ForeverSounds DJ Services
Website: foreversoundsmdj.com
E-Mail: sdk@foreversoundsmdj.com
Phone: 905 434 4988
Pump It Entertainment DJ Service
Website: pumpitdj.com
E-Mail: pumpitdj@rogers.com
Phone: 905 809 9602
Step by Step Pro DJ
Website: stepbystepdj.ca
E-Mail: Shawn@stepbystepdj.ca
Phone: 905 409 7998
Kenneth Robert Entertainment Group - DJ and Event Technology
Website: Kennethrobert.ca
E-Mail: Kennethrobertentertainment@gmail.com
Phone: 416 617 2417
Request Music
Website: requestmusic.ca
E-Mail: vince@requestmusic.ca
Phone: 905 424 0950
Farm and Wild
Website: farmandwild.com
E-Mail: daniel@farmandwild.com
Phone: 416 844 3634
Hawley Crescent Weddings & Events
Website: hawleycrescent.ca
E-Mail: info@hawleycrescent.ca
Phone: 289 314 6547

Durham Micro Weddings
Website: durhammicroweddings.ca
E-Mail: jennifer@durhammicroweddings.ca
Phone: 647-955-5826
Suzanne Peat
Website: suzannepeat.ca
E-Mail: suzannepeat@gmail.com
Phone: 905-924-5778
Velvet Bordeaux Events
Website: velvetbordeauxevents.com
E-Mail: Ashley@velvetbordeauxevents.com
Phone: 289 979 9123
Willow Pond Weddings
Website: willowpondweddings.com
E-Mail: info@willowpondweddings.com
Phone: 905 442 0992

Event Decor
In-Style Wedding & Events
Website: instyleweddings.ca
E-Mail: info@instyleweddings.ca
Phone: 905 448 8737
Just For You Weddings & Events
Website: just4youweddings.ca
E-Mail: wandacorbett@wisponline.ca
Phone: 905 922 6701
Mike Gibbs Design
Website: mikegibbsdesign.com
E-Mail: mikegibbsdesign@gmail.com
Phone: 416 662 4328
Violet Bloom’s Fresh Flowers - Pickering
Website: floristpickeringdurham.com
E-Mail: flowers@violetblooms.ca
Phone: 905 839 6035
Branching Out - Port Perry
Website: branchingoutflorists.com
E-Mail: mail@branchingoutflorists.com
Phone: 905 985 3033

Travel Agents
Yvonne’s Travel and Tours
Website: yvonnestravelandtours.ca
E-Mail: yvonnestravel@nexioncanada.com
Phone: 416 460 4166
Live Music
Liane James - Harpist
Website: lianejames.com
E-Mail: liane.james@gmail.com
Phone: 416 567 7753
Simply String Duo
E-Mail: gwhorms@gmail.com
Instagram @simplystringsduo